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What Is Halotherapy?

Imagine if you can feel better and look younger, boost your immune system, lose weight plus improve your respiratory system health all at once?

With a patent-pending scientific system exclusively in the vitality booth, you can.

The vitality booth proprietary patent-pending design incorporates Halotherapy, Red Light therapy, Oxygen concentration, plus negative ion emergence, all stacked together in a 20- minute scientific wellness session where you will see and feel excellent results.

The sessions build collagen and elasticity resulting in a natural facelift. As a result, you can look 5-10 years younger in 5 to 5 weeks.

Vitality sessions are like a toothbrush for your respiratory system, working to help with cold, cough, flu, COPD, smokers cough, allergies, sinus, cystic fibrosis, and other respiratory issues while adding skin conditions such as eczema, acne, psoriasis, wound, healing, scar reduction and more.

The Vitality booth can improve athletic performance by between 5% to 10%, increases energy levels, and improve cellular health.

Also, it improves mental clarity, mood, and overall well-being.

Every Vitality booth has an integrated UV-blue light sanitizing system for sterilization in between sessions.


Book your session today and start feeling GREAT!

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What Halotherapy Does for You

Respiratory Health

The salinized air is inhaled, dispersing through the respiratory system and absorbing toxins, allergens, and particles from the body, through the respiratory tract. This process can help with calming inflammation and clearing airway passages by removing impurities from the body. 

Improved Performance and Recovery

Halotherapy can benefit athletes by eliminating or reducing the negative effects of underlying or chronic conditions that may be affecting an athlete's ability to lead a healthy life, sleep properly, maximize gains, and recovery times, and achieve optimum energy, mental clarity, and overall well-being. 

Results You Can See

The larger particles of salt remain on the skin’s surface, removing bacteria and impurities. The smallest particles travel below the skin, bringing moisture to the surface. Halotherapy helps to regulate micro-circulation and firmness within the skin (skin rigidity is improved), and hastens skin cell rejuvenation.